The Productivity Project

I’ve written three books to help you become more productive, focused, and calm:

Available in 13 Languages


I’ve written three books to help you become more productive, focused, and calm:

Available in 31 Languages

How to Calm Your Mind

I’ve written three books to help you become more productive, focused, and calm:

Available in 31 Languages

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If you want to die later, buy this book

Takeaway: Eating better is a way of earning back time. Certain foods have been scientifically proven to help you live longer—namely unprocessed plant foods. The fewer processed foods you eat, the longer you will live. The book How Not to Die, by...


The art of doing one thing at a time

Takeaway: Doing just one thing at a time helps you remember more, get more done in less time, de-stress, bring more attention to your work, and work smarter, instead of just harder. It’s worth the struggle a hundred times over. Estimated Reading...


How the internet destroys your productivity

Takeaway: The internet is probably essential and integral to your work. But the research shows that it usually leads you to get less done. When we’re connected, we waste more time, become more distracted, and bring less focus and energy to our...

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“A productivity mastermind.”

Fast Company

“Chris Bailey is a quirky and energetic guide through the productivity thicket.”

Harvard Business Review

“The most productive man you’d ever hope to meet.”

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