The Productivity Project

I’ve written three books to help you become more productive, focused, and calm:

Available in 13 Languages


I’ve written three books to help you become more productive, focused, and calm:

Available in 31 Languages

How to Calm Your Mind

I’ve written three books to help you become more productive, focused, and calm:

Available in 31 Languages

Helpful Reading

Recent Articles

General Productivity

100 things to be grateful for

Takeaway: Research shows that recalling what you're grateful for trains your brain over time to become happier—and that happier people are more productive. Here are 100 things to be grateful for, submitted by readers like yourself! Estimated...

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“A productivity mastermind.”

Fast Company

“Chris Bailey is a quirky and energetic guide through the productivity thicket.”

Harvard Business Review

“The most productive man you’d ever hope to meet.”

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