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I’ve written hundreds of articles (with no ads) to help to you manage your
time, attention, energy, and more. Here are a few of my favorite recent ones!
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Book Review: The Happiness Advantage
Your happiness has been shown to have a positive affect on pretty much every aspect of your life–including your productivity.
How to determine the highest-leverage activities in your work
There are a very small number of work tasks where you deliver 80 or even 90% of your value. These are your highest-leverage work activities.
Why the light from your smartphone is keeping you up at night, and what to do about it
Exposure to blue light before you go to bed significantly affects your sleep quality, because it prevents your body from releasing melatonin, a chemical in your body that helps you sleep.
Want to become more mindful? Watch how much information you consume.
Social media is the digital equivalent of junk food, but instead of gaining weight you become less and less mindful every day.
How to use money to buy happiness (well, sorta)
Money can buy you happiness, but only if used to do things as opposed to simply buy things.
Productivity Experiment: Should you take a three-hour afternoon siesta?
For the last three weeks I’ve worked on Spanish time; taking a three-hour siesta in the afternoon. Here’s how it has impacted my productivity.
Two new productivity experiments for February: Drinking only water, and working 90-hour weeks
Two new productivity experiments I'll be tackling in February: Drinking only water for the entire month, and working 90-hour weeks.
3 ways to identify your “keystone habits”, habits that change everything
Keystone habits create a chain reaction; changing and rearranging your other habits as you integrate the habit into your life.
9 proven ways to break the winter blues
Here are eight proven ways to break out of your winter slump to be productive when you don’t want to go outside.
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