The Productivity Project

I’ve written three books to help you become more productive, focused, and calm:

Available in 13 Languages


I’ve written three books to help you become more productive, focused, and calm:

Available in 31 Languages

How to Calm Your Mind

I’ve written three books to help you become more productive, focused, and calm:

Available in 31 Languages

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Book Reviews

The Willpower Instinct: Review

The Willpower Instinct is, as you might have guessed, a book about willpower - that mysterious, magical stuff that helps you with self-control. I'll put it right out there: if you want to get more willpower, you should buy this book.

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“A productivity mastermind.”

Fast Company

“Chris Bailey is a quirky and energetic guide through the productivity thicket.”

Harvard Business Review

“The most productive man you’d ever hope to meet.”

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