The Productivity Project

I’ve written three books to help you become more productive, focused, and calm:

Available in 13 Languages


I’ve written three books to help you become more productive, focused, and calm:

Available in 31 Languages

How to Calm Your Mind

I’ve written three books to help you become more productive, focused, and calm:

Available in 31 Languages

Helpful Reading

Recent Articles


Time Hack: Start a maintenance day

The idea of a maintenance day is a simple and powerful one: take all of the maintenance-y stuff you do throughout the week and lump them together on one day. It turns out, the effects of doing this are profound.


You don’t have time for that? Bull$#!†.

The phrase “I don’t have time for” should never be said. We all get the same amount of time every day., so if you can’t do something it’s not about the quantity of time. It’s really about how important the task is to you.

Book Reviews

The Power of Habit: Review

You buy a coffee every morning without thinking much about it. You bite your nails when you get anxious, again, without thinking about. That's just what you do. About 40% of your actions are automatic responses to cues in your external environment. The Power of Habit explores why we really do what we do.

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Time & Attention

Life’s a project—why not become better at it? Explore the latest episodes of my podcast Time & Attention below.

Keynote Speaking

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“A productivity mastermind.”

Fast Company

“Chris Bailey is a quirky and energetic guide through the productivity thicket.”

Harvard Business Review

“The most productive man you’d ever hope to meet.”

Ted Talks

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