What’s the most consequential thing you could be working on right now?

The most powerful way to think about the...

10 tested, proven ways to become less productive

Takeaway: If you want to become less productive, make sure not to cultivate your energy levels by taking breaks, eating well, and getting enough physical activity, sleep, and social interaction. Make sure you spend more time planning than doing;...

The 10 indispensable things I keep in my laptop bag at all times

Each week I receive a couple of emails asking what I like to carry with me when I travel. Believe it or not, this post took me a pretty long time to write. It's not that writing listicles like this one is...

The Soylent 2.0 formula is actually pretty good

Takeaway: The Soylent 2.0 formula comes in premixed plastic bottles instead of as a powder, tastes much better than the old version, and is more convenient. It's worth keeping some bottles of it in your fridge. Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes,...

Nothing will make you more productive than caring about your work

Takeaway: The more your work is connected to what you value, the more you'll be naturally motivated by it. If you feel the need to constantly invest in your productivity, it's worth questioning how motivating and meaningful you find your work in the...

Want more self-control? Clean your office.

I've written in the past about how "clearing to neutral" helps you focus better and tackle...

100 things to be grateful for

Takeaway: Research shows that recalling what you're grateful for trains your brain over time to become happier—and that happier people are more productive. Here are 100 things to be grateful for, submitted by readers like yourself! Estimated Reading...

How to Set Smarter, Faster, and Better Goals

Strange as this might sound, lately I've grown to really enjoy writing the odd article for Linkedin. A Life of Productivity will always be my home on the internet, but I've found LinkedIn a great way to reach new people with what I write (especially...

The cure for writer’s block (or any kind of block, really)

Takeaway: I experienced a big case of writer's block after I pushed myself too hard to write, didn't step back enough from what I was writing, and didn't give myself permission to fail. When I stepped back to become kinder to myself, take frequent...

General Productivity

General Productivity

Sometimes crap work is fun work

Takeaway: Sometimes "crap work"—the low-return tasks that need to get done, like admin work—isn't worth eliminating or delegating. While crap work may be lower-return than your other tasks, if it's fun or meaningful, it may not be all that crappy...

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