How to procrastinate more productively

Procrastination is often linked to unproductivity, but it doesn’t have to be. By procrastinating constructively, you can turn your bad procrastination habit into a well of unlimited productivity riches. (Does that even make sense?)

Want to become more productive? Stop multitasking.

According to a recent study, when you multitask, you are not being more productive – you just feel more emotionally satisfied from your work. While multitasking feels good, it ultimately makes you less productive.

Kick procrastination and focus easier by “clearing to neutral”

This one simple hack may make you kick your nasty procrastination habit forever. When you “clear to neutral” after you’re done doing something, you’ll set yourself up to procrastinate a lot less the next time.

4 tested ways to eat a third less at your next meal

When people don’t eat well, it’s often because they don’t focus on what they’re eating. Here are four tested strategies to eat a third less at your next meal.

Resist any temptation by rehearsing how you’ll act ahead of time

Resisting a cold DQ Blizzard this summer or a box of donuts on the snack table is sometimes near-impossible. But there is a proven strategy to combat the temptation: rehearse how you’re going at act ahead of time.

Article Roundup: 9 solid articles that will improve your focus

This week was Focus Week on A Year of Productivity – a whole week’s worth of posts dedicated to improving your focus. Click through to read the nine articles I wrote about improving your focus!

Want to feel more productive? Lower your expectations.

This isn’t a tactical tip, but it is a practical one. High expectations cause stress and unhappiness, and lowering your expectations will not only make you feel more calm and happy, but also more productive.

Use this simple trick at your next presentation to make your audience instantly pay attention

Most presentations are boring, and as a part of my business degree I’ve listened to countless presenters drone on while a boring screen filled with boring words sits behind behind them. This quick trick will get your audience to focus back on you.



How to procrastinate more productively

Procrastination is often linked to unproductivity, but it doesn't have to be. By procrastinating constructively, you can turn your bad procrastination habit into a well of unlimited productivity riches. (Does that even make sense?)

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